A Facebook Status Update for Wedding Music and Party Music

by Robbie Schlosser · 2 comments

Thanks in advance for reading this article. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas. I'd love to hear what you liked. Please write me a little COMMENT below. Start a conversation. Tell me what you think, and I'll reply. Promise.

Robbie Schlosser's Facebook Status Update

Robbie Schlosser's Facebook Status Update

I occasionally post this Facebook Status Update:

Whenever you get some useful information from one of my posts, please “LIKE” it, write me a little “COMMENT”, and “SHARE” it with your friends.

Afterward I receive more LIKES, COMMENTS, and SHARES.  No surprise.  Apparently, it helps to ask.

Of course, it also helps that I reply to most people who contact me or send a Facebook status update to my NewsFeed.  I thank them by name, add a little more to our conversation, and ask a simple question to invite their reply.

One reply leads to another, and that’s the whole point:  to maximize engagements with personal friends and business relationships.  In my opinion, the “Facebook status update” is one of Facebook’s most useful features.

First of all, with each Facebook status update, I’m nourishing personal friendships here on social media.  Secondly, over the years I’ve learned that people like to work with people they like.  So I’m also marketing my band on Facebook and all the others — Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, YouTube, LinkedIn.  And this blog.  Throughout, I’m posting helpful tips about planning wedding and party music, living my life leading a jazz band, and finding interesting information about using social media.

What’s the big picture?  I consider every online comment as part of a conversation, so I reply to keep it going.  Similarly, I see everyone I know as someone I’ll work with one of these days, either directly with her (or him) or through a referral to a friend or client.  Often both.

So far, so good.  The band is doing well marketing on social media, and I smile every time I reply to a friend’s Facebook status update.

How about YOU?  Are you replying to each Facebook Status Update you receive?  Most of them?  Only a few?

Thanks for reading my blog. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas here. Please comment and continue this conversation. I’ll reply to you, and so will others who share your interest. You’ll make new connections.

Here are four things you can do:
• ”COMMENT” (Tell me your thoughts in the “Comment” box below),
• ”LIKE” this post (Click the “+1” and “Like” buttons). Give me your vote,
• ”SHARE” (Tell your friends by Email or post on Google+, Facebook, Twitter),
• ”SUBSCRIBE” to this blog for more of my thoughts (Click the “RSS”).

The Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood. In the meantime, please join our Facebook fans to receive daily tips for planning wedding and party music and to receive reminders for our public events.

Thanks for reading this article. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas here. Got one or two? I'd love to hear what you liked. Please write me a little COMMENT below. Start a conversation -- I'll reply. Promise.

By the way, does a friend need help selecting wedding or party music? Do them a favor: EMAIL this article, or SHARE it on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

And if you find my blog useful, please LIKE it, TWEET it, and SUBSCRIBE for more ideas. Use those cute little icons below.

Meanwhile, the Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ever nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood.

How can I help you? Call 408-245-9120 or use [email protected]. Planning a celebration? Ask about our availability.

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Laura (aka Marcie Brock)

Excellent point, Robbie, about keeping the focal of social media on the SOCIAL aspect! You’re doing a great job with this blog. Glad I met you through the UBC!

Robbie Schlosser

Thanks, Laura, I enjoy reading your blog, and I’m glad you like mine, as well.  Is this UBC benefitting you as a writer?  For me, so far, it’s keeping my social media chops in shape and introducing me to a ton of new friends with that many fresh insights.  No new clients, though.  Talk with you again. 

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