How do I choose the band’s best promotion photos?
Are these some of our best promotion photos?
What features do I want in the pictures?
What would YOU want?
Here’s a clue to what I prefer.
Recently my friend Eli Pitta gave me this picture of us he took at a wedding at the Palmdale Estates, in Fremont. CLICK to enlarge photo.
Eli is a wonderful photographer, and he caught exactly what feature I think makes the best promotion photos.
Can you guess the crucial feature?
Here’s another clue: Some Realtors tell me they like to “stage” a house so their prospective buyers will visualize the place decorated with their own furnishings.
Still another clue: Some time ago my wife and I enjoyed a wonderful dinner at The Peninsula Grill, in Charleston, SC. Since then I’ve subscribed to their email newsletter, mainly to remember that evening and to see beautiful examples of their best promotion photos. Here’s a recent one:
Got it?
I think your best promotion photos show people enjoying whatever you provide.
In my case, I like photos that show people enjoying the upbeat, elegant mood we create. Wherever we are — at a lively party, business reception, formal banquet, or romantic wedding ceremony.
Browse around this blog to see more pictures of people celebrating with our music.
It kills me to see a hotel or a restaurant advertise their facility with a photo showing a quiet room full of tables and chairs, but no people. Imagine you’re searching for a room to hold your next celebration. Wouldn’t you want to visualize your festivities in a room filled with people happy to be there?
Don’t get me wrong. I like our “studio” portraits, because they show who we are. Of course, people want to see what we look like.
But I think our most effective promotion pictures show what we DO. How our music helps people have a good time celebrating.
So whatever YOU do, let me give you a simple tip for selecting your own best promotion photos: Include people enjoying what you provide.
YOUR turn: Do me a favor. Tell me about your best promotion photos. Show me your favorite. What makes it special?
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Meanwhile, the Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ever nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood.
How can I help you? Call 408-245-9120 or use [email protected]. Planning a celebration? Ask about our availability.
I think you’ve hit the nail on the head there Robbie. I don’t do promo shoots but I do work with small businesses. Often I’m provided with photos to add to social sites and websites. The ones that work best aren’t always the “professional” shoots and definately not stock photos.
The photos that capture the moment, the ones that obviously aren’t staged generate the response.
Great post, pinned it 🙂
Jan Kearney recently posted..Social Blog Blueprint Part 2 (Ramp Up Your Blogging Results)
Thanks Jan,
Glad you like my thoughts about promo photos. I’m enjoying browsing through your blog, too. You’re presenting LOTS of very useful advice about blogging. Especially useful to someone like me — not a full-time blogger at all, but just trying to use social media in my arsenal of tools for marketing my band. Keep up the good work!
– Robbie
Robbie Schlosser recently posted..How I Choose Our Best Promotion Photos for Wedding and Party Music
Natural looking photos are always best, nothing staged
Thanks Katherine,
I agree with you, though I think there’s a time and place for the staged photos, too.
Robbie Schlosser recently posted..Selecting Party Music? Don’t Sabotage Yourself.
Great advice! I’ve been to enough weddings wherein the promotion photos could’be been better, so ti’s great that you’ve created a guide for this specifically. Not a fan of staged studio photos myself, so I definitely agree with using photos that show “doing” rather than stiff, static ones.
Thanks Roue.
Glad you agree! A photo “in action” is bound to be better than a “staged” picture for conveying an activity, no matter the subject. Makes sense, doesn’t it?
Robbie Schlosser recently posted..I Help People Celebrate
Hello Robbie,
Wonderful post indeed.. I agree with you that best promotion photos show people really enjoying whatever we provide them.I really like your views on choosing the best promotion photos for wedding and party music.
Featured based photo makes our beautiful time unforgettable. Therefore, we should always be careful to make good photo for wedding.
Thanks for sharing such meaningful post.
– Harshwardhan
We need art just as much as food and water, I believe. Music transports us into the presence of the ineffable.
You’ve got a great blog here – I enjoyed hearing about the importance of choosing music to fit the celebration. Thank you!
Hi Robbie Schlosser,
Very nice and useful post.
The promotion photos must be good enough and should be clear that it shows the best view of the sight. Although its also important to show all your best assets.
A good advertisement leads to a good future. A happy photo is always credited and appreciated. Yes, definitely I’ll share this post to the one who need in my circle.
Thanks for posting it in a wonderful way.
Have a nice and happy week ahead.
~ Harshwardhan
Harshwardhan Singh recently posted..Top 10 Types of Wedding Cakes to Choose From
Hi Harshwardhan,
Thanks for commenting — I’m glad you like my article. I enjoyed visiting your website, too, and found lots of useful advice. Especially about those amazing wedding cakes!
Robbie Schlosser recently posted..8 Ways to Use Testimonials for Wedding and Party Music
Awesome tips! I love looking at photography tips as I am always looking to get better at it. I definitely am ready to start my own portfolio but I want to make sure I know as much as possible to craft good pictures!
Thanks Larissa,
Glad you enjoyed this article, and I hope it gives you helpful insights for crafting your own photos. We’ll never know enough, and we can always learn something new, but don’t let that slow you down. Start your portfolio, and “go for it”!
Robbie Schlosser recently posted..Selecting Party Music? Don’t Sabotage Yourself.
I think natural looking photos are far superior to staged photos. It’s so obvious when photos are staged, and everyone loves candid photos!
Thanks Brian,
Glad you like this post. I agree with you, but part-way. Seems to me that staged photos would be ideal for something that stands still, while natural, candid photos would be ideal for a situation containing lots of activity. Makes sense?
Robbie Schlosser recently posted..Does Planning Party Music Depend on Good Luck?
Phenomenal Tips! Great data. Fortunate me I went over your site coincidentally (stumbleupon). I’ve bookmarked it for some other time!