Plan a Surprise for Wedding and Party Music

by Robbie Schlosser · 2 comments

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Plan a Surprise

Today is my wife’s birthday.  As usual, I’ll plan a surprise for her special day.  Now, after a few years, I find that trying to plan a surprise, and making it different from previous years’, presents a challenge.

So I’ve developed a few tips to help me plan a surprise.  I’ll describe several in the next few weeks, and here is one of my favorites:

Instead of asking myself, “What did we do last year?”, I ask “What HAVEN’T we done yet?”  Rather than focus on what won’t work, this fresh perspective always expands our options.

A similar challenge comes up when I help people plan music for their celebrations.  We often find ourselves focusing tightly on just one or two themes.  That’s when I like to recommend asking, “What HAVEN’T we considered yet?”  The answer often reveals excellent possibilities that we’ve overlooked.

For example, suppose we want to plan a surprise for someone at the wedding.  Something unexpected for, say, the bride, the groom, their parents, or a significant guest.  The surprise could be a medley of favorite songs, or a song with someone’s name in the title, or a song about a time or place that has special meaning.

Finding good answers is easy when we ask good questions.

YOUR turn.  What’s your favorite tip to help plan a surprise?

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The Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood. In the meantime, please join our Magnolia Jazz Band fans on Facebook to receive daily tips for planning wedding and party music and to receive reminders for our public events.

Thanks for reading this article. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas here. Got one or two? I'd love to hear what you liked. Please write me a little COMMENT below. Start a conversation -- I'll reply. Promise.

By the way, does a friend need help selecting wedding or party music? Do them a favor: EMAIL this article, or SHARE it on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

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Meanwhile, the Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ever nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood.

How can I help you? Call 408-245-9120 or use [email protected]. Planning a celebration? Ask about our availability.

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Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

The ability to surprise is a function of how well one knows the person(s) to be surprised. And, the best surprise is one that is personalized.

Robbie Schlosser

Thanks, Roy. NICE insight. I suspect you’ve managed a few surprises in your day, which doesn’t surprise me. 🙂

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