How to Get a Client for Wedding and Party Music

by Robbie Schlosser · 8 comments

Thanks in advance for reading this article. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas. I'd love to hear what you liked. Please write me a little COMMENT below. Start a conversation. Tell me what you think, and I'll reply. Promise.

Robbie Schlosser just received this Thank You note.


Pardon if my language is inelegant here.  I really do understand — and appreciate — that the band provides an important service to the people we entertain.  And I’m always very grateful for the opportunity to serve them.

It’s that word, “get”.  It sounds so crass to me, but I can’t think of a better one.  Sorry.

Anyway, here goes:

Learning how to get a client is easy, really.  Maybe too easy.

So many new businesses never manage to figure it out — perhaps they’re expecting something very complex.

How do I learn how to get a client?  Simple — I listen to them.  Especially when they send wonderful notes like this one.  Click to enlarge it.

Nowadays, many people are self-employed, like me.  Anyone (especially the newly self-employed) starting a business needs the right attitude and skills, a solid plan, reliable resources, and lots of good luck.  Especially the last.

Do you manage a successful business?  Congratulations!

I’ve been a self-employed musician since 1975.  I help people with music at weddings and parties, and it’s always fun and rewarding for me, my colleagues, and our clients.

Believe me, once I started learning the ropes, I realized that knowing how to get a client isn’t rocket science.  It requires just two things.

First, careful attention to details.  And second, the skills and attitude for delivering perfect service, first time, every time.

Actually, my clients tell me what perfect service includes.  I pay close attention to what they say.  And how they say it.

For example, with these significant words in Kristina’s note — “quick replies”, “seamless process”, and “very excited” — this note teaches me a few important tips.  Whenever someone talks with me about planning the music for their wedding or party, I’m careful to:

1.  Reply quickly.  Promptly and completely.  I answer all their questions directly and offer helpful suggestions.

2.  Make it Seamless.  I make doing business smooth, pleasant, and hassle-free.  I always make the next step easy and clear.  And I avoid creating obstacles and delays.

3.  Create Excitement.  From the very start, my clients are thrilled, expecting their event will be sensational.  Before, during, and afterward, they come to expect their party will be everything they hope for, and more.

You can find lots of tips for how to get a client.  These three may not always be the MOST important tips, but I’ll rank them near the top any day.  Are YOU doing all three?

YOUR turn.  Have you learned how to get a client?  Got another tip to add to my three?

CLICK here to tweet this post and join our Magnolia Jazz Band fans on Facebook.  You’ll receive daily tips for planning wedding and party music, and you’ll get reminders for our public events.

Thanks for reading this article. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas here. Got one or two? I'd love to hear what you liked. Please write me a little COMMENT below. Start a conversation -- I'll reply. Promise.

By the way, does a friend need help selecting wedding or party music? Do them a favor: EMAIL this article, or SHARE it on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

And if you find my blog useful, please LIKE it, TWEET it, and SUBSCRIBE for more ideas. Use those cute little icons below.

Meanwhile, the Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ever nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood.

How can I help you? Call 408-245-9120 or use [email protected]. Planning a celebration? Ask about our availability.

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Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.

Great advice, Robbie! I remember when we first started out (the same year as you, I might add), things were pretty bleak out there. But… we learned to cue into the hidden desires of our potential clients- and how to alleviate their fears that they would waste their money with us. It was that combination that let us hit the pace we have managed to maintain for nigh 37 years, now.

Robbie Schlosser

Thanks, Roy, for another great tip: be sensitive to a client’s fears and desires, and have them guide your conversation.

Shivie Cook

great points, I think business owners often overlook the value of solid customer service via seamless delivery and prompt responses. I think coming from a place of service rather than one of a need to sell is another important aspect. We need to stop seliing to people and start serving them. thanks for sharing

Robbie Schlosser

Thanks, Shivie, for another great tip: focus our attitude on serving, rather than on selling. This mind-set colors everything we do.

Emily Brewer

I enjoyed this. I agree with Shivie, Many business owners forget the importance of replying quickly, making things easy for the customer, and making your product or service exceed client expectations. I also agree with Roy, part of making things easy is to address any fears or concerns or ideas the client has, especially listening closely. If you listen closely to a client, then you will be able to provide a memorable and positive product or service. Great post!

Robbie Schlosser

Thanks, Emily, for another great tip: listen closely. And I’ll add a note: Repeat it back, to re-confirm and be sure we’ve understood correctly.

Ruth Crone

Some fab tips here for any stage of business, Robbie. Another thing I would suggest is under promising and over delivering. For e.g. sending them a thank you gift that’s unexpected and personal to their situation can make their day without adding too much to your cost of sale.

Robbie Schlosser

Thanks, Ruth, for a wonderful tip. “Over-delivering”, “unexpected”, and “personal”! I’m all for that, in any and every way. Not so sure about what you mean by “under-promising” — doesn’t get me very excited, if you know what I mean. Better, I think, is promising everything and a little more, and then delivering A LOT more! This is probably what you had in mind, no?

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