Magnolia Jazz

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Efficient Marketing for Wedding and Party Music

Thanks in advance for reading this article. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas. I'd love to hear what you liked. Please write me a little COMMENT below. Start a conversation. Tell me what you think, and I'll reply. Promise.

Efficient marketing is always on my mind.  I recently found this article published in March 2011 which crystallized most of my thoughts about efficient marketing.  I encourage you to look it over.  It’s loaded with nuggets of valuable information.

Robbie Schlosser with friends at NACE,  2010

Robbie Schlosser with friends at NACE, 2010

Years ago I developed the mindset to be marketing all the time.  Here sitting at my desk with my computer and my telephone. Out at a party socializing with friends.  At a networking mixer smoozing with colleagues.  (Here I am, with friends at a recent NACE cocktail party.  Thanks to Rachel Kumar for your photo.)  Chatting with people enjoying our music while we’re out entertaining.  Walking in a park talking on my iPhone with a prospective client.  Fast asleep in bed dreaming about my next ad campaign.

Well, maybe not that last one.

My job as a marketer is to encourage people to think of the Magnolia Jazz Band whenever they’re looking for fun and elegant music for their next celebration.  My point is this:  In order to continue adding new engagements to my schedule, I have to continue nourishing personal relationships with new prospects, my steady clients, and my best colleagues.  Same as every business that wants to stay in business.

Back in early 2008, when I was just learning to blog, I posted about my intention to Maximize Efficiency.  In other words, to use fewer resources (like time, energy, money) while being more productive.  That’s still my plan.  No matter how much I improve my efficient marketing today, I can always do better tomorrow.

Tools help my efficient marketing, and between 2008 and 2012 I’ve grown to rely on many good ones.  But understand: I’m no marketing expert — just a musician doing my best.

Let me mention three of my favorite tools: Social Media, Email, and Smart Phones.  Chances are good that you use them, too.  But if I mention something new to you, please try it out.

Social media channels are exploding with handy ways to contact many people quickly, easily, and as frequently as I want.  I can share text, photos, audio, video, and link to other useful information.  I can focus these messages to particular people — for example, with Facebook friends lists, Google+ circles, Twitter lists, and LinkedIn groups.  And just as easily, I can receive their replies and updates.

These major social media channels are competing for our attention, so we should expect them to continue offering new and exciting communication shortcuts useful for marketing.

My Email marketing works better than my direct mail marketing used to, and these days I send a nicer newsletter to more people, more frequently, and more economically.  I use Constant Contact, and you can find plenty of fine alternatives.

Smart phones are amazing.  In recent years I carried a small cell phone in one pocket while in another I carried a Day-Timer book, then a Palm Pilot, and finally a Handspring to organize my To Do List.  Then I briefly moved to a Treo, which combined the list with a cell phone.

Nowadays I’m lost without my iPhone and the dozen or so Apps I use throughout the day.  Particularly for making efficient marketing, I use the Phone, Camera, Calendar, Mail, Message, and ToDo (one of MANY options for organizing a list of tasks).  Except for when I’m in the shower, the iPhone is in my pocket wherever I go, and I synchronize new data with my desktop Mac here in the office..

Speaking of tools. I remember buying my first computer back in 1984.  How will I pursue efficient marketing 18 years from now?  How will we be living and working then?

How about YOU? For efficient marketing, what three tools do you rely on most these days?

Thanks for reading my blog. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas here. Please comment and continue this conversation. I’ll reply to you, and so will others who share your interest. You’ll make new connections.

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The Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood. In the meantime, please join our Facebook fans to receive daily tips for planning wedding and party music and to receive reminders for our public events.

Thanks for reading this article. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas here. Got one or two? I'd love to hear what you liked. Please write me a little COMMENT below. Start a conversation -- I'll reply. Promise.

By the way, does a friend need help selecting wedding or party music? Do them a favor: EMAIL this article, or SHARE it on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Google+.

And if you find my blog useful, please LIKE it, TWEET it, and SUBSCRIBE for more ideas. Use those cute little icons below.

Meanwhile, the Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ever nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood.

How can I help you? Call 408-245-9120 or use [email protected]. Planning a celebration? Ask about our availability.

Posted by on April 14, 2012.

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Categories: Marketing My Band

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