Booking a Band for a San Francisco Bay Area wedding or party?
It’s easier than you might think.
Just ask yourself a few simple questions (the right ones — see my list below), and follow up carefully on all the details they generate.
I recently wrote about being systematic when you plan any project. That’s my best advice, learned from helping thousands of people plan wedding and party music for over 30+ years.
For example, let me show you a group of musicians I’m proud to recommend. We’re entertaining at a “jazz nightclub theme” birthday party back in March 2008.
Long before we showed up that evening, the party’s host and I thoroughly discussed all the musical details. Especially selecting the songs to surprise the guest of honor. Thank you to my friend Kim Staskus for the wonderful photo.
On my Facebook Profile and Page, I’m posting dozens of handy tips for planning music at weddings and parties. I recently posted these two:
“Booking a band? Be efficient. It’s your party, right? So be sure you get the results you want. Preview a live performance.”
“Booking a band? Searching can be so much fun! Start with what you’re familiar with, follow your feelings, and look for surprises. You’ll finally select the tried-and-true, but with an exciting new twist!”.
No matter what kind of event you’re planning, these are just two of my tips that can help you booking a band.
In general terms, follow these simple steps to save time and effort:
• ask yourself what kind of mood you want the band to create,
• ask friends and experts for referrals of bands that can create that mood,
• conduct preliminary interviews with the leaders of the bands you collect,
• review interviews, demo CD’s, videos, songlists, and catch live performances,
• discuss the party’s important details with a few bands on your “short list” (for example, coordinating with the event’s highlights, preparing special music, acting as MC, sound system, their fee, deposit, travel fee, overtime),
• prepare and complete a written agreement (or use one the band prepares).
Bottom line: Booking a band needn’t be complex. Just be thorough and systematic, and you’ll book the perfect band for your event.
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Meanwhile, the Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ever nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood.
How can I help you? Call 408-245-9120 or use [email protected]. Planning a celebration? Ask about our availability.
For wedding planning must be consult with 1000 of people so that we choose who is best for our party like DJ, Meals, Lighting, Decoration etc. DJ,Dance and lighting is most important for interesting your party.
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