The Band in Action Makes Your Party Memorable.

by Robbie Schlosser

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Gaaah!  I’ve done it again!

I just got back from a swinging party, and realized I’d forgotten to take a single photo.

Without pictures or videos, how can you ever see the band in action?

This was our fourth party in four days.  And I had no pictures from any of them.

I’ve done this SO many times, it isn’t funny.

Magnolia Jazz Band in Saratoga, 2012

Here’s why I care.  Unless YOU see the Magnolia Jazz Band in action, you really can’t know what we bring to a celebration.  And that’s really the whole point of this website, you know?

I ought to post dozens of pictures showing the band in action.  Like this one:

So why don’t I remember to take a little photo at EVERY party?  Really — it can’t be so difficult to remember.

I think the answer lies here:  At every celebration, I’m thinking about too many important details to stop to snap a photo.  Details that I THINK are more important.  But now I realize I should prize those photos more highly.

Up to now, sorry to say, hundreds of gems are now staying in my memory, instead of being caught by my little iPhone.

Well, now I’ll plan better, to entertain at these parties AND to remember to snap an important photo or two.

This situation reminds me of a talk I recently heard, titled “Designing a Celebration Your Guests Will Never Forget”.  Presented by Beth Helmstetter, an outstanding wedding coordinator.  She described many wonderful ways she makes the “touch points” of her events memorable.

Of course, I hope to remember all the little details she described.  But to me her main point was to regard each event as a once-in-a-lifetime experience, rather than only a party.  Focus on what you want your guests to experience and remember.  Assemble the party’s details around those features.

So how does Beth’s presentation relate to my problem about taking photos?  Easy.  If you can’t attend one of our parties yourself, the next best way to experience being there is to see a few photos or videos showing us in the midst of the celebration.

I’m not talking about smiling studio shots showing just the band and nothing more.  Of course there’s a time and place for these portraits.

But I want you to see shots of people enjoying the festivities, with us somewhere in the picture.  Pictures of the Magnolia Jazz Band in action.

By the way, here’s a tip thanks to Beth’s presentation.  If you’re planning wedding or party music, decide now what aspects of your event you want your guests to remember, and use your music to enhance these features.


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Thanks for reading this article. I appreciate your interest and hope you get a few good ideas here. Got one or two? I'd love to hear what you liked. Please write me a little COMMENT below. Start a conversation -- I'll reply. Promise.

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Meanwhile, the Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ever nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood.

How can I help you? Call 408-245-9120 or use [email protected]. Planning a celebration? Ask about our availability.

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