Read on for a tip about planning music for your next celebration. If you like it, please write me a little comment at the end.
But first, a story.
We frequently participate in promotional marketing with some of our best colleagues — facilities, photographers, caterers, florists, and all the rest. You might like to collaborate with your best colleagues the same way.
Here’s a photo from last July. We are participating in a promotional video at the Decathlon Club, in Santa Clara, and we’re one of several event professionals involved. The video will be broadcast on “Days With Zahrah“. See it on KRON4, Sundays at 1 pm.
Ace videographer Douglas Gey sent me this 3-minute excerpt featuring the band. Parts of this video will be included in the final program. Enjoy our music!
As I said, you might like to collaborate with your best colleagues the same way. This kind of promotional marketing can be very effective, in several ways.
First, each of us helps everyone involved do our very best, to make an outstanding impression with a successful project — a video like this, or an open house showcase, or a souvenir resource publication, or a special Gala party — you name it.
Second, we share our best contacts with each other, and our new prospects realize that each of us is endorsed by all these top event professionals.
Third, and probably the best benefit that I’ve noticed from all the promotional marketing we do. The more often we all work together, the smoother our collaboration becomes and the more effective we are at pleasing our clients.
Here’s that tip about planning wedding and party music.
For exactly the same reasons that these marketing collaborations succeed, people will work together at a celebration to help everyone benefit.
Planning party and wedding music often involves gathering people to share their vision, experience, brainstorming, inspiration, research, and their skills for “putting it all together”. Success requires effective collaboration, so be sure to assemble the right team.
I’ve blogged’s several times about other promotional marketing projects that the Magnolia Jazz band has participated in, and I look forward to continuing with these events. The more we do, the better we get.
How about YOU? Are you involved with promotional marketing?
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Meanwhile, the Magnolia Jazz Band entertains at weddings and parties throughout the San Francisco Bay Area. If you are ever nearby, you’ll love catching us in action, seeing and hearing us create a great mood.
How can I help you? Call 408-245-9120 or use [email protected]. Planning a celebration? Ask about our availability.